America The Story Of Us Bust Episode 9 Answer Key

America the story of us bust episode 9 answer key – Embark on a captivating journey with America the Story of Us: Bust Episode 9 Answer Key. This comprehensive guide unlocks the intricacies of the War of 1812, providing a profound understanding of its causes, consequences, and enduring legacy.

Delve into the intricate details of the conflict, from its origins to its resolution. Explore the strategies and tactics employed by both sides, unraveling the significance of key battles and events. Uncover the impact of the war on American society, foreign relations, and national identity.

Episode 9: The War of 1812

The War of 1812, also known as the Second War of Independence, was a conflict between the United States and the United Kingdom that lasted from 1812 to 1815. The war was caused by a number of factors, including the impressment of American sailors into the Royal Navy, the British blockade of American ports, and the American desire to expand its territory into Canada.The

war had a significant impact on American society and foreign relations. It led to the burning of Washington, D.C., and the deaths of thousands of Americans. It also resulted in the loss of British control over the Great Lakes and the Northwest Territory.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the American and British Forces


  • *American Forces |
  • *British Forces |






  • Larger population |
  • More experienced military |


  • Stronger navy on the Great Lakes |
  • More powerful navy overall |


  • Home-field advantage |
  • Superior training and discipline |






  • Smaller army |
  • Less experienced military |


  • Weaker navy overall |
  • Less familiar with the American terrain |


  • Lack of a unified command structure |
  • Supply problems |

The Treaty of Ghent

The Treaty of Ghent was signed on December 24, 1814, and ended the War of 1812. The treaty restored pre-war boundaries and established a commission to settle boundary disputes between the United States and Canada.The Treaty of Ghent was a significant event in American history.

It marked the end of the War of 1812 and the beginning of a new era of peace and prosperity for the United States.

Timeline of Key Events Leading Up to and Following the Signing of the Treaty of Ghent, America the story of us bust episode 9 answer key


  • *Date |
  • *Event |

|—|—|| June 18, 1812 | The United States declares war on Great Britain. || August 24, 1814 | The British burn Washington, D.C. || December 24, 1814 | The Treaty of Ghent is signed. || February 17, 1815 | The Treaty of Ghent is ratified by the United States Senate.

|| March 20, 1815 | The Treaty of Ghent is ratified by the British Parliament. |

The Hartford Convention: America The Story Of Us Bust Episode 9 Answer Key

The Hartford Convention was a meeting of delegates from New England states that took place in Hartford, Connecticut, from December 15 to January 5, 1815. The convention was called to discuss the War of 1812 and the future of New England in the United States.The

Hartford Convention issued a report that called for a number of changes to the American government, including the creation of a new England confederacy. The report was not well received by the federal government, and the Hartford Convention is often seen as a sign of New England’s growing dissatisfaction with the United States.

Grievances Expressed by the Delegates at the Hartford Convention


  • *Grievance |
  • *Explanation |

|—|—|| The war was unnecessary and could have been avoided. | The delegates believed that the war was caused by the aggressive policies of the federal government. || The war was being fought in a way that was harmful to New England.

| The delegates believed that the war was being fought in a way that was designed to benefit the South and West at the expense of New England. || The federal government was not doing enough to protect New England from British attack.

| The delegates believed that the federal government was not doing enough to protect New England from British attack. |

The Battle of New Orleans

The Battle of New Orleans was fought on January 8, 1815, between the United States and Great Britain. The battle was a decisive victory for the United States, and it marked the end of the War of 1812.The Battle of New Orleans was fought in the swamps outside of New Orleans, Louisiana.

The British army was led by General Edward Pakenham, and the American army was led by General Andrew Jackson. The British army was larger and better equipped than the American army, but the Americans were able to defeat the British by using a combination of guerrilla tactics and artillery fire.The

Battle of New Orleans was a significant victory for the United States. It showed that the United States was capable of defeating a major European power, and it helped to boost American morale.

Map of the Battle of New Orleans

[Insert map of the Battle of New Orleans here]

The Legacy of the War of 1812

The War of 1812 had a significant impact on American history and identity. The war helped to shape the nation’s foreign policy and military strategy, and it led to a number of important changes in American society.The War of 1812 showed that the United States was capable of defeating a major European power, and it helped to boost American morale.

The war also led to the creation of a new sense of national identity, and it helped to unite the country.

Major Lessons Learned from the War of 1812

  • The United States must be prepared to defend itself against attack.
  • The United States must have a strong military.
  • The United States must avoid becoming involved in foreign wars.
  • The United States must work to resolve its differences with other countries through diplomacy.

    User Queries

    What were the key causes of the War of 1812?

The impressment of American sailors, British support for Native American resistance, and American expansionism

What was the significance of the Treaty of Ghent?

It ended the War of 1812, restored pre-war boundaries, and established a commission to resolve outstanding issues

Why did the Hartford Convention fail?

It was seen as disloyal and its proposals were rejected by the federal government

What was the impact of the Battle of New Orleans?

It boosted American morale, strengthened national unity, and contributed to the war’s favorable conclusion

What were some of the long-term effects of the War of 1812?

Increased American nationalism, westward expansion, and the emergence of the United States as a major world power